Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm collected many folktales in the early 1800’s. The Handless Maiden is one of the tales from their first volume entitled, Kinder- und Hausmärchen. (Children’s and Household Tales) This story of a young woman whose hands are cut off by her father as a result of his mistaken promise to a dark […]
What Does It Mean?
Experiencing story, and life, as a mirror is a powerful practice that brings greater ease in life. Below are my writings about a variety of folktales and stories that explore this topic in more depth. In The Listening Circle, we engage in seeing life, and story, as mirrors.
See The World As Yourself
Mirror, Mirror People and experiences that come into our lives are expressions or reflections of what is already inside of us. A piece of our interior world come into 3 dimensional relief before our very eyes. It’s easy to think that they are there for some reason other than what their presence awakens within […]