Ideas are great, but how do you get them out into the world? In order for them to make the greatest possible impact, you need to start a movement. move·ment [moov-muhnt] noun 1. the act, process, or result of moving. 2. a particular manner or style of moving. 3. usually, movements, actions or activities, as of […]
Aimee Mullins on TED
Powerful Story, Really Powerful Woman Please watch and see how one person’s story can be transformed by shifting to an empowering point of view. Video from KarmaTube To hear more of Zette’s stories, visit the Zette Harbour Amazon store©copyright 2012 Zette Harbour, all rights reserved.
A Sheep In Wolf’s Clothing
We’ve all heard of the wolf in sheep’s clothing. Courtesy of HellintheHallway Today, I wondered what would a sheep in wolf’s clothing be? __________________________ I’m narrating Peter & the Wolf this coming Sunday for the San Luis Obispo Symphony’s Family Concert and historically, stories about wolves are dire. Our deep fear and prejudice of wolves […]
The Care of the Soul
About 20 ago, I read Thomas Moore’s, Care of the Soul. A life-changing book for me at the time. Here is one of my underlined passages: “The brain thinks cool thoughts about cold reality, while the heart thinks in heated rhythms.” This reminds me of another favorite quote, this one by James Stephens in The […]
A Curse Or A Blessing
Courtesy of Jim Rohn There is a theme that appears in various folktales from different cultures. The idea that ‘it could always be worse’ or ‘what appears as a blessing could be a curse and what appears as a curse could be a blessing’. Basically, the idea that it’s all relative and it’s all in […]
The Handless Maiden
The Handless Maiden – one of the grimmest of the Grimm, yet full of powerful imagery and of course, a happy ending. I find this story to be a profound and powerful one. I begin it with the Miller’s search for the Tree of Life. This, the fabled tree from the Garden of Eden. Find […]